Sunday 21 April 2019

Imtiaz Kumbhar Profile by Aftab Chandio امتياز ڪنڀر

پروفائيل) ) شاعر امتياز ڪنڀر
ليکڪ : آفتاب احمد چانڊيو
ايم اي (فائنل )
رول نمبر 05
چوندا آھن ته شاعر موتين جي مالھا مثل ھوندو آھي ، ڇو ته شاعر لفظ لفظ کي چونڊي پرکي لکندو آھي سندس چونڊ ھر  لحاظ کان سٺي ۽ منفرد ھوندي آھي،
ان ڪري اھي لفظ انمول ٿي پوندا آھن .جيڪڏھن ڪو تخليقڪار خدا جي ڏنل ڏات کي صحيح رخ ۾ استعمال ڪرڻ کي پنھنجو فرض سمجھي ادا ڪري ٿو ته ان جي اھميت اڃان به وڌي ويندي آھي ،
چيو ويندو آھي ته سنڌ شاعرن ۽ بزرگن جي ڌرتي آھي جتي ڪافي بزرگن ۽ شاعرن جنم ورتو، جنھن ۾ شاھ عبداللطيف ڀٽائي رح،صوفي شاھ عنايت ،سچل سرمست ،چيزل شاھ ،شيخ اياز ، استاد بخاري ۽ ٻيا ڪيترا ئي  شاعر جيڪي سنڌ جي ڪنڊ ڪڙڇ ۾ اڃان به مو جود آھن . جيڪي سنڌ جي سڃاڻ رھيا ۽ اڄ ڏينھن تائين به سنڌ ڀٽائي جي نالي سان سلھاڙيل آھي شاھ عبداللطيف رح  جو ھڪ بيت آھي :
سنڌ سموري سون ،سنڌ سڄي سرھاڻ سنڌ ڀٽائي گھوٽ جي ، سنڌ ڀٽائي ساڻ                                                             موج ڀريو مھراڻ ،سدا وسي سنڌ ۾ .
سنڌ جي مشھور شخصيتن مان ھڪ  مشھور شخصيت شاعر امتياز ڪنڀر پڻ  آھي.جيڪو پنھنجي شاعري ذريعي حب الوطني ،پيار ، ڀائيچاري ۽  محبت سان گڏ گذارڻ جو پيغام ڏئي ٿو .                                                                          
  شاعر امتياز ڪنڀر1990_4_3ع ۾ ڳوٺ خيجراڙي صالح محمد شاھ عمرڪوٽ ۾ پيدا ٿيو .
شاعر امتياز ڪنڀر پنھنجي ابتدائي تعليم سندس ڳوٺ مان حاصل ڪئي ،ميٽرڪ گورنمينٽ ھاءِ اسڪول نمبر ٽو مان ڪرڻ کان پوءِ  ( بي ، اي ) گورنمينٽ بوائز ڊگري ڪاليج عمر ڪوٽ ،جنھن کان پوءِ (ايم اي ) سنڌي ڊيپارٽمينٽ، سنڌ يونيورسٽي
ڄام شورو مان تعليم حاصل ڪئي .
شاعر امتياز ڪنڀر ننڍي ھوندي کان ئي شاعري ڪندو ھيو ،ڇو ته شاعري قدرت جي طرفان ڏنل ھڪ تحفو يا قدرتي ڏات ھوندي آھي جيڪا ڪنھن ڪنھن انسان جي رت ۾ شامل ھوندي آھي .
شاعر امتياز ڪنڀر شاعري جي باقائدا شروعات 2005ع کان شروع ڪئي .
شاعر امتياز ڪنڀر سنڌي ،سرائڪي ، مارواڙي ، ٻوليءَ ۾ ڪيترا ئي گيت لکيا آھن،جيڪي سنڌ جي مشھور فنڪارن ثريا سومرو ،استاد الھبچايو ،۽ سنڌ جي نوجوان نسل جو اڀرندڙ آواز آفتاب چانڊيو پڻ ڪيترا ئي گيت ڳايا آھن .
شاعر امتياز ڪنڀر جومشھور گيت :
ڄامشورا ڄامشورا، دل نه چورا منھنجي ،   
  آھيان پرديسيئڙو ، ناھي ڪو ساٿيئڙو  ،  
   اسان جا ماڳ مٽيل، ڪٿي نه روئاري دل ،
ھي گيت خاص ڪري سنڌ يونيورسٽي جا شاگرد تمام گھڻي شوق سان ٻڌندا آھن ۽ ھي گيت نوجوان نسل ۾ تمام گھڻو مقبول ٿيو .
شاعر امتياز ڪنڀر گيت ، غزل ، ڪافي ، ٽيڙو ، بيت ، چوسٽو ، قطو، دوھو ، دوھڙيو، دورائو ، نعت ، نوحا ، سينگار ، وايون ،نظم ، آزاد نظم، جي صنفن تي شاعري ڪئي آھي .
شاعر امتياز ڪنڀر جو جنوري مھيني ۾ پھريون ڪتاب شايع ٿي رھيو آھي .
ان ڪتاب جو نالو آھي (چڱو ورسٽي الوداءَ ) ھيءُ ڪتاب شاعر امتياز ڪنڀر سنڌ ورسٽي جي آخري سال ۾ لکيو. ھن ڪتاب ۾ شاعر سنڌ ورسٽي جي خوبصورتي ۽ من موھيندڙ منظرن کي ھن ڪتاب ۾ قلم جي قوت سان ھميشه ھميشه جي لاءِ قيد ڪري ڇڏيو آھي .                                                                                             شاعر امتياز ڪنڀر جي چوڻ مطابق ته معاشري ۾ سڌار شاعري ذريعي آڻي سگھجي ٿو . ڇو ته اسان جي سنڌ جي نوجوانن جو لاڙو ڏينھون ڏينھن علم ۽ ادب طرف وڌي رھيو آھي .                                                                                                 ھڪ سوال جي جواب ۾ امتياز ڪنڀر صاحب جو چوڻ ھيو ته ڪيسٽ واري دور ۾ شاعرن ۽ فنڪارن کي تمام گھڻي موٽ ملندي ھئي ، ڇاڪاڻ ته ان وقت ڪمپنيون شاعرن ۽ فنڪارن کي پئسا ڏينديون ھيون، ۽ سندن گذران به تمام سٺو ٿيندو ھيو.      پر ھن وقت شاعر پنھنجي گھران پئسا ڀري فنڪارن کان البم ڪرائيندا آھن .  ۽ سرڪار جي طرفان به ڪو جوڳو قدم نه کنيو ويو آھي ،جنھن جي ڪري شاعر ۽ فنڪار پريشانيءَ جو شڪار بڻيل آھن.
سرڪار کي گھرجي ته شاعرن ۽ فنڪارن جي لاءِ ڪي جوڳا قدم کڻي ته جيئن پنھنجي ٻوليءَ ۽ پنھنجي وطن لاءِ پنھنجون خدمتون با آساني سرانجام ڏيندا رھن .

Practical work was carried under supervision of Sir Sohail Sangi
Department of Media and Communication Studies, University of Sindh 

#ImtiazKumbhar #AftabChandio 

Aftab Chandio ھالا ناڪا جي ھوٽلن تي ھلندڙ فلمن جو ٻارن تي اثر

ھالا ناڪا جي ھوٽلن تي ھلندڙ فلمن جو اسڪولي ٻارن تي پوندڙ اثر
ٻار قوم ۽ ملڪ جو مستقبل آھن. ان ڪري ٻارن جي تربيت سٺي  ڪبي ته تڏھن ئي انھن ٻارن مان ملڪ ۽ قوم جي مستقبل جي اميد رکي سگھجي ٿي. پر جيڪڏھن ٻارن جي تربيت سٺي نموني نه ڪئي ويندي  ته اھي ٻار ملڪ ۽ قوم جي برباديء جو سبب بڻجي ويندا آھن .                                                                  
اسلام ۾ ٻارن جي تربيت کي تمام گھڻي اھميت حاصل آھي جنھن جي ڪري  والدين جا درجا بلند ڪيا ويا آھن.  خاص ڪري ماءُ جا درجا بلند ڪيا ويا آھن ڇو ته ٻارن جي بنيادي تربيت ۾ اھم ڪردار ماءُ جو ئي ھوندو آھي ۽ ٻار جي پھرين درسگاھ به ماءُ ئي ھوندي آھي . گھڻو ڪري  والدين پنھنجي اولاد جي باري ۾ اھو سوچيندا آھن ته اسان جي مرڻ کان پوءِ اسان جي اولاد جو ڇا ٿيندو؟. ان ڪري ٻارن جي لاءِ ضروري ملڪيت کي سمجھيو ويندو آھي باقي ٻارن جي ڪردار ، اخلاق ۽ عادتن جي طرف ڪو ڌيان نه ھوندو آھي .  جنھن جي ڪري ٻارن جي تعليم ۽ تربيت تي وڏا اثر پوندا آھن .  ڇاڪاڻ ته ٻار صحيح غلط ۾ فرق نه ڄاڻندا آھن جنھن جي ڪري ٻارن کي جيڪو بھتر لڳندو آھي اھو ئي ڪندا آھن.                                                                     .
روز صبح جو جڏھن والدين پنھنجي ٻارن کي  تيار ڪري خرچي ڏئي اسڪول موڪليندا آھن ته انھن ٻارن جو وڏو انگ اسڪول وڃڻ بدران ھوٽلن تي ويٺا فلمون ڏسندا آھن .  مون جڏھن ھالا ناڪا جي ھوٽلن تي ويھندڙ اسڪولي ٻارن جي رپورٽ تيار ڪئي ته ان ۾ مون کي ڪو به اردو زبان سان وابسطا ٻار اسڪول جي وقت ۾ ھوٽلن تي نظر نه آيو.  تقريبن سنڌي ٻار ھوٽلن تي فلمون ڏسندي ۽ سگريٽ پيئندي نظر آيا . 
  ھوٽلن تي ھلندڙ فلمن ۽ ڊرامن ۾ ڪجھ اھڙا ڪردار يا اھڙا منظر ڏيکاريا ويندا آھن ، جنھن جو ٻارن جي ذھن تي تمام گھڻو غلط  اثر پوي ٿو .                                       اڪثر ڪري فلمن ۾ ڌاڙيل راڄ ، اغوا ، فرون،چوري،اسمگلنگ جا طريقا جيئن مڇيءَ ۾ ھيرون جي سپلاءِ ،ٻاھران پنچر جي دڪان ۽ اندران ھٿيارن جو گودام ، ھٿيار جي زور تي ڪنھن مظلوم سان ذيادتي ڪيئن ڪجي اھو طريقيڪار ، قتل جون وارداتون وارداتن کي لڪائڻ جا پڻ طريقيڪار ٻڌايا ويندا آھن .
جنھن جا ٻارن تي تمام گھڻا غلط اثر پون ٿا، ۽ ٻار خاص ڪري جيڪو ڪجھ ڏسندو ۽ ٻڌندو آھي ان تي عمل ڪندو آھي۽ انھيء ريت ڪرڻ جي ڪوشش پڻ ڪندو آھي .
ڇا اسان ٻارن کي اھڙو ماحول ڏيڻ کان پوءِ به انھن مان ڪا ڀلائيء جي اميد رکي سگھون ٿا ؟ ھرگز نه . ڇاڪاڻ ته جيڪي به ڪجھ ٻار سکندو آھي اھو  ماحول مان ئي  سکندو آھي ان ڪري لازمي آھي ته پنھنجي ٻارن کي سٺي تربيت ڏيون ۽ انھن تي نظرثاني ڪيوته  ڪٿي توھان جوٻار ڪنھن غلط فعلن ۾ ۽ ڪنھن غلط صحبت رکندڙ معاشري جي ماڻھن سان ته تعلق نه پيو وڌائي،اھا والدين جي ذميواري ھوندي آھي ته پنھنجي اولاد تي نظرثاني ڪن ۽ پنھنجي  ٻارن کي غلط صحبت ۽ غلط شين کان پري رکن ، ڇاڪاڻ ته ٻار ملڪ ۽ قوم جو مستقبل ھوندا آھن ،اھي اڳتي ھلي ملڪ ۽ قوم جي خدمت ۽ ملڪ جو نالو روشن ڪندا آھن . زندا قومون پنھنجي ٻارن جي تعليم ۽ تربيت تي تمام گھڻو زور ڏينديون آھن . سنڌ جا  تعليمي ادارا ته اڳ ۾ تباھي جي ور چڙھيل آھن ،سنڌ ۾ اڌ کان وڌيڪ پرائمري  اسڪول بند پيل آھن  يا وري  بنيادي سھولتن کان محروم آھن  جنھن جا وڏا سبب اھي آھن ته سنڌ ۾ وڏيرا شاھي  جاگيرداراري وارو نظام آھي ۽ اھي  وڏيرا جاگيردار پرائمري اسڪولن کي پنھنجا گودام يا مال جا وٿاڻ ٺاھيو ويٺا آھن ۽ سنڌ سرڪار خاموش بت بڻيل ويٺي تماشو ئي ڏسندي رھندي آھي . جنھن جي ڪري سنڌ ۾ تعليمي نظام درھم برھم لڳو پيو آھي . اھا قوم ڪڏھن به ترقي نه ٿي ڪري سگھي جيڪا قوم تعليم جي زيور کان پنھنجي ايندڙ نسلن کي محروم رکي  ۽ انھن جي ايندڙ مستقبل جي لاءِ ڪي جوڳا قدم نه کڻي . ان ڪري والدين کي گھرجي ته پنھنجي اولاد جي ضرورتن کي پورو ڪرڻ سان گڏوگڏ انھن جي تعليم ترتيب تي ڌيان ڏين ته جيئن مستقبل ۾ ملڪ ۽ قوم جي ترقيءَ ۾ ڪردار ادا ڪري سگھن .

#Aftab Chandio، #HallaNaka, #Hyderabad, #VideoFilms

Furqan ali Blog

Practical work was carried under supervision of Sir Sohail Sangi
Department of Media and Communication Studies, University of Sindh

Stroll down memory lane By Mahira Majid

Stroll down memory lane
Some sweet and sour memories with Roshni
By Mahira Majid Ali
While taking admission in the Department of Media and Communication Studies, I thought we will start with practical work as it is all about Media. But the real practical work of journalism started in second year, when we learned how to report and write news stories, feature, article and profile writing by our teacher, Sir Sohail Sangi, a man of his word. At the very beginning of second year, I had no such rapport with him and to be very honest, I was scared of his eyes. However gradually, I got a chance to understand him more. During my first presentation in his class, he stopped me and said your way to present is like a teacher. Are you a “Mastriyani”? His appreciation made my day. Let me say without good rapport learning is not possible. He taught me how to work with team, managerial and leadership skills and face problems in different stages of life. I was a very shy girl in the beginning of my university life and did not like to talk anybody. At that time, he selected me as a coordinator of the practical work of Roshni. He might have seen the girl who was hidden inside me.
Well, the work of Weekly Roshni started in third year, the first and foremost practical work in print media by our department. This work included beat reporting, writing articles, feature, profiles, taking interviews, and proof reading etc. In this way, the work of weekly Roshni continues entire week.
Roshni newspaper is a trilingual newspaper. I remained editor from the very first issue till the last of my batch. Till fifth semester, everything was going smoothly. After that, in sixth semester, the students of M.A-Previous also joined us. That was the time when I learnt how to deal with different troubles as a leader. In Urdu board, editors used to complain about mischief of reporters. Most of the time, they submitted inaccurate news just to get the attendance. Once, a reporter submitted news with some ambiguity and wrong picture was published with the news, the concerned department sent complain letter to our chairperson. On advice of Sir Sangi we apologized and gave them a sorry note. This made us learn that admission and corrigendum are part of ethics in Media.
Performance of Sindhi board improved when the students of M.A previous were added to the editorial board. Still some areas remained problematic.
In English section worked smoothly, as most of the editors and reporters were good and serious in studies. The major problem was the scarcity of English beat reporters, as only a few students opt English medium. Here, I want to share a funny anecdote, once during proof reading, I did not check headline of a news properly and gave it to sir, saying that I have checked it there is not any error. Sir Sangi marked the mistake, removed his glasses, gave me and said to put them on. At that time, I was busted in laugh and remembered his saying that a dog, crow and a journalist never feel insulted. Synonyms
It was a great time working with Roshni. There were hardships,  deceitful tricks  as well as troubles but we all have given our best effort to work with Roshni.
Everyone who worked in Roshni, whether an editor or a reporter, he has different experience and views.
Rebecca Ursani worked as a reporter as well as an editor says, I think both have their own charm. As a reporter you have to dig out news in scorching sunlight but after submitting news you are free. While an editor, no doubt sits in lab but he has to work whole week in editing pasting and proof-reading.
Farhana worked as reporter  complains, most of the times the news were referred back. And the reporters had to go back to the allotted beat department to complete the missing information.
Zain Hyder Shah who worked as editor says, his experience in Roshni has changed his life. In many ways it grew my thinking and writing skills. I learned how to deal with the bunch of people. After working in Roshni, I felt I got an immense grip on the newspaper writing skills. Only it troubled me sometimes when Sir Sohail used to pass his order to write editorial in 2 hours or so. This whole experience brought profoundness in my skills.
According to Rajesh Kumar terms journey of Roshni as fruitful and wonderful. Not only because we learnt basics of print media but also cooperation, team work and motivation with knowledge and courage of teachers as well as fellows.
Saud Worked as editor, says a newspaper which we students normally regarded a minor thing but working with the team  I became aware of the efforts of all the staff of newspaper and the procedures through which a newspaper goes through then I realized its worth.
Well, Roshni has given us many memories, increased our knowledge and experience. Sir Sohail Sangi made us to think like a journalist and work like a journalist.

#MahiraMajid# #SohailSangi# #Roshni# #RebeccaUrsani# #ZainHyderShah# #RajeshKumar# 

Practical work was carried under supervision of Sir Sohail Sangi

Department of Media and Communication Studies, University of Sindh

Tuesday 27 September 2016

Article by Rebecca Ursani

Rebecca Ursani
Roll number: 2K14/MC/81

The influence of showbiz and elite class on ordinary people.

The globe is surrounded by collective ideas, opinions and influence of the big leaders and celebrities in the society. The societies and communities adopt ethics and styles from the civilized and modernized communities. This is one of the reasons of constant evolution on Earth.  There are people who lead life without making it complicated then there is a bunch of people who live in the dreams of celebrities who don’t even know about the existence of their fans. The wave of influence carried by elites and celebrities has brought the eagerness in working class families, who are struggling with the modern demands of their new generations. This has put the working class in a choosing situation of giving up their other important demands to fulfill the expanding wishes of their families which they demand in this modernize world.

Evolution has charmed the Homosapiens, but with this it has brought major depression in masses who have to let go on the simplicity and transform their lives which actually has become hard to afford but some families manage by working harder to get more than their basic needs. One has to give all his efforts in order to earn more than what he deserves which is the main reason of frustration due to not getting much relaxation. The frustration in the middle and lower class is eventually growing every day. This increases the hatred among different classes of people but this glamorous charm of wearing the best stuffs and copying the elites has disrupted the absolute simplicity people once had in classic eras.
The modern world is being ruled by showbiz and media. The fact that cannot be ignored is that we, the audience and the ordinary people are letting them taking over our minds.
It is not only about today’s era that has been changed enormously but ever since the television industry has born, the public seems to be obsessed with the celebrities and there is not even one industry for which we can favor is not affecting the audience. Be it about fashion and clothing, imitating the lifestyle of their favorites or copying the dialogues, showbiz has left its impact on every single person in one way or the other.

There was a time when the majority of people were inspired by the writers and political leaders but now the glamour of film industries has engulfed the individual uniqueness of all persons. The public started to copy the famous actor’s style of dressing and hairstyles since 1964 after the invention of black and white televisions in Pakistan. Waheed Murad became the style icon of Pakistan television industry in 1964. Youngsters of mid 60’s era started following his style, also audience considered him as an ideal. We had only two channels PTV and STN, up until about the year 2000. Now there are more than one hundred.Now after the continuous growth in industry the influence of TV stars is also growing in the audience. In the classic time women adapted hairstyles as it is, putting eye liner on fleek and wearing tight shirts and pajamas as per the likeable actresses, while men keeping the shave and wearing bell bottoms. During this period, the impact of showbiz was just limited to fashion and glamour. Eventually, as the years passed and as the media evolved, showbiz and its effects kept growing vast on audience.
Nowadays, celebrities also play a huge role in selling of the products. Product companies sponsor big stars for selling their products so the more beautiful the advertisement is the more products will be sold. Likewise, certain people go crazy after their ideals. They wish they acquire all those things and all that fame that their actors or actresses have. Coquettes of elite stars have gotten so high that the ordinary people also wish to live the same life as theirs due to their show offs on social websites.
The elite class of the nation which includes the feudalists, industrialists and the celebrities who can also be called as tycoons havean amazing livelihood. The comfortable livelihood and big show parties have their unique charms. But the disturbing point is the chauvinism is also engulfing the middle class. The access of modernize technologies has become easy but also it is very expensive. As the demands vary and touch the peak graph it also comes up with some sort of feeling of deprivation in the masses.
In the race of dominancy and standing at first position, the society has somehow lost the worthiest things such as simplicity, the approach of human intelligence in academia and also the kindness. The societies have to understand the basic phenomenon of being happy and that is to live the way you can and to be happy in the livelihood which people can afford, with this understanding only communities can build the kindness not hatred and also with this the more better things can come which can be the reason of betterment in common person’s life.

Practical work was carried under supervision of Sir Sohail Sangi

Department of Media and Communication Studies, University of Sindh 

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