Javed Ikhlaque
(President of Phuleli Club)
By: Muhammad Uzair -158

Ans: My Complete name is Javed Ikhlaque. I was born in Hyderabad. My family was not financial sound therefore; I faced some difficulties in study. I had to work part-time in student life. As I completed my education, started teaching in private schools, and soon got government job as primary school teacher. Currently I am teacher in government school, Mirza Qaleech Baig, and I am president of the Phuleli Club as well.]]
Q.2: Sir you are president of this club, what actually is Phuleli Club?
Ans: Phuleli Club is the name of club which was founded by a few persons, I was one amoung them. This club actually aims at promoting Education and extracurricular activities in this area.
Q.3: Sir, how did the idea of such club come into your mind?
Ans: Truly speaking it was not only me who thought for this club but other respected people of this area who are related to field of Education & Teaching for years: Mr. Nasir Qureshi & Mr. Adnan Hussain are the top names among those persons. As we used to see the city-area of our city, we used to think about the Educational Awareness in our area. For this purpose we intend to form something like Phuleli Club, so that we succeeded.
Q.4: Would you please highlight the major roles being played by this club in area?
Ans: The basic role, which is played by this club, is to aware people of this area. For this purpose we conduct Seminars, call Speakers and conduct their Lectures upon topics like Multiple-Intelligence, Career Development and so all. We do conduct monthly Inter-School Speech, Naat & Qirat competitions, and our biggest event annual Talent Show.
Q.5: Talent Show! Sir, what is there in this Talent Show?
Ans: Talent Show is conducted every year where we invite all the schools of our area. We conduct multiple competitions there, and award the talented students of our area. This Talent Show is basically conducted to promote talent present in Phuleli.
Q.6: How do you manage expenses of Talent Show every year?
Ans: We have some companies who sponsor us to conduct this Talent Show. Even then if something remains, we, the members of Phuleli club, and the schools, which we invite, contribute to it.
Q.7: Is this club only for Private Schools or for Government as well?
Ans: This club is working for the students of this area whether they belong to some private school or government. We also invite government schools to participate in the events we conduct, and they do.
Q.8: In which year did you form this club? And how many annual shows have been conducted yet?
Ans: We formed Phuleli Club in year 2009, and the same year in December we conducted our first Talent show. Since then we have been conducting this show every year, and have every good response from the people of our area especially from some schools.
Q.9: Sir what about the place? Where do you conduct this show?
Ans: Our first show we conducted at Noman Garden, Rehman town. After that twice we conducted in Amna Lawn, Phulelli, and for last four years we have been conducting it in Naz Garden, Rehman town.
Q.10: And extracurricular activities sir! Where do you conduct them?
Ans: The activities like Inter-School Speech, Naat and Qirat competitions, we conduct at different schools of our area. And Seminar, Workshops and Lectures we arrange in any educational institute at Phuleli. Heads of all the educational institutes support us and provide us with place for extracurricular activities.
Q.11: Sir whom does your club depand upon? Is this present and working only because of you?
Ans: Not at all! As I mentioned in answer of your previous question, it was not only I, who started this, but a complete team is there, and we are preparing new boys and girls as well for the betterment of our club. We need the young and active people especially students, who have passion to serve the area and then country. Good news is this we are having some such students.
Q.12: In six years which changes did you find are brought by Phuleli Club in area?
Ans: The increment in awareness towards education is one of the biggest milestones achieved by club. The confidence level of students has risen above the sky while participating in activities, conducted by club. Somehow the club has also tried to elevate the education standard in area. Another achievement of Phuleli Club is the lessons of career development delivered to the young students.
Q.13: Last question: What are the more events you are looking forward to conduct in future?
Ans: We keep thinking as something new looks better, we conduct that. Currently we are going to conduct a seminar related to competitive exams in our area as this also one of those things, which we are to promote in this area.
(Muhammad Uzair Shah-158)
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