2K14 /MC /27
Medium: English

Dr Javed Ahmad is the man who openly face the challenges and give us exmaple of bravery and being human. Dr Javed Ahmad was born on 9th of December, 1983 on Moro city. He done his matriculation from Govt Boys School Moro. Then he shifted to Karachi with his family. He done his intermediate from karachi. Further, He had done his MBBs from Liaquat University Of Medical and Health Science Jamshoro .
Afterwards, he passed FCPS exam and specialized in skin. He is also a social worker. He used to help poor people and work in many human helping care centers for human rights. He is simple and hardworker.
He is currently working in Civil Hospital Karachi and also member of SGA (Sindh Graduation Association karachi). He follows a humanistic philosophy that recognises and respects the values and rights of each individual, group or culture as a starting point for any kind of human interaction. He was bright and position holder student. He is unique from all others doctors in that he is simple and humble person. He used to follows Islamic lifestyle. His life story was quite different from all other normal peoples. When he was child he was suffering from polio and his one leg was not working properly till today . But he didnt lost his hope and think that he will be like other normal peoples and he can do all good wills. He decided to study because his father's dream was to be doctor in future. He was first son and also elder siblings. He has two brothers and two sisters. His habits is to seek knowledge by reading all books who give information about our religion. He love to watch Cricket and football tournament
He is an example for the society and every person around him wants to be like him. He thinks that we must never loose our hope if we are in troubles Allah definitely helps us. He struggled and work hard in his life. When he cleared his FCPS then on th same day his father died and then he took care of his family and he was the only hope of his family. His father was his inspiration, his father was honest and Sincere professor of SGA. Dr Javed got married in 2003. Now he is father of two sons. He said 'Charity begins at home' and he is giving knowledge of islam to his childrens also and making his son as Hafiz of Quran. People ask reason for his hardwork and why he doing so than he tell he was inspired by his father, who left his mission incomplete but then his son try to complete his mission of humanistic.
The lesson he taught from his father's life was so simple just to be honest and serve humans. DR Javed Ahmad is social worker he go to differnt villages where there is no medical facilities available and ask the problems of rural areas peoples and try to solve them. He also give them free medical treatment and medicines free of cost. His younger brother lives in London. He also spread thier work there and they help poor people by giving funds and also give clothes in charity.
He dressed simple clothes white shalwar kamiz and white cap (Muslims Topi) and have long beard. He also gives Islamic lectures to the peoples and also work with many islamic organizations. He said if you are seeking a disciplined lifestyle you must follow the Islamic ways of life. He says Live as if you were to die tomorrow. Learn as if you were to live forever.
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