Rebecca Ursani
BS-III Roll number: 2K14/MC/81
Life of Pakistanis after shifting abroad.

Shifting becomes difficult when it is done only from one city to another. One has to start a new life with a new beginning and get prepared to face the new challenges of life. However, migrating to a new country, leaving behind your hometown, adapting a different lifestyle, adjusting in a very new society and most importantly living within another community requires alot of efforts and it is one of the hardest decisions to settle far away from your country and its old rituals.
There are so many Pakistanis that leave behind their birthplace and shift aborad followed by a number of reasons. Mostly citizens of Pakistan prefer migrating abroad in order to get rid of their tribal wars or running after the economy which is better in some of the foreign countries than Pakistan or for leading a contented and a successful life. According to the Pakistani Government, there are around eight million Pakistani people most of them living in Middle East.
Reasons for shifting abroad
Economical issues:
Many people think the economy of other countries is better than Pakistan’s. For example, America is mostly considered suitable for better economy. The value of Pakistani rupee is decreasing in international market so the earning of a Pakistani is reducing too. The scope of earning dollars, Europe’s pound and Kuwait’s dinar is on the peak in the world. This has become the only reason for people to migrate in the better economical nations. The skilled and professional people are getting much comfort in abroad than in their own nation.
Political issues: Some people migrate to get rid of the poor government here and to live a better and peaceful life in a secure environment like Germany, Canada and Australia.

Jobs and vacancies: The unemployed people of Pakistan prefer countries like Saudi Arabia and Dubai to earn their livelihood. Though, Saudi Arabia offers fewer opportunities but they can manage anywhere. The jobs that are available in Saudi Arabia are working in oil fields, as a labor in industries and in Dubai, taxi drivers are mostly found Pathans belonging to Pakistan.
Social issues: When people think that our Pakistani society is way backward than the society of other countries, they plan to move from Pakistan. People often think they want a broad minded society where anyone can do anything they want but in certain limitations. In short, they want no huge restrictions and want to work liberally.
Education issues: Education in Pakistan is considered lower than the other countries’ educational systems so majority of the people want to set future of their children and for that they take their family and kids to have good education and good future.
Marriage issues: It is also seen that Pakistani people often move to any other country after their spouse(s) because their spouse who is already in foreign country is the source of their husband or wife to shift to another country through green card.
Problems faced by Pakistanis.
Skilled and unskilled people.
The people are divided into two groups, the skilled and unskilled ones. In USA, settling becomes easy for those who have got some skills to earn, to survive in the foreign society. Those who are some sort of degree holders and more or less educated about anything, do not find any difficulty in adjusting themselves in their respective fields. They easily find the jobs. While, the unskilled ones, who are uneducated, have to face challenges to accommodate in new environment. The ones who are uneducated either have to open their medical or departmental stores or work on petrol pumps or work as waiters on cafes and hotels.
Financial problems.
In USA, economy is better than Pakistan, this is one of the reasons Pakistanis shift there. But at times living becomes hard there. If there is a big family then at least two of the family members have to work to feed their children and family. Also, if the children are small and one has to go on work then the parents have to leave their children in daycares and the daycares cost really expensive. But if there is only one small kid then both the parents do not need to work, only one income is enough.
Culture shock.
When Pakistani people shift abroad, the foremost problem they face is culture shock. There is a lot of difference between our Pakistani culture and the western culture. It takes time for people who settle abroad but do not prepare themselves mentally for the environment they are going to survive in. Culture counts the education system as well. Western kids are educated in a very open environment where they are free to do whatever they want, roam around, have fun and not taking regular classes. This is the reason the new children migrants find difficulty in adjusting themselves in a modern atmosphere.
If Pakistani people make up their mind for the adjustments and challenges they are further going to face, they will easily cope up with the problems because problems are the part of life and cannot be skiped.
When Pakistani people shift abroad, the foremost problem they face is culture shock. There is a lot of difference between our Pakistani culture and the western culture. It takes time for people who settle abroad but do not prepare themselves mentally for the environment they are going to survive in. Culture counts the education system as well. Western kids are educated in a very open environment where they are free to do whatever they want, roam around, have fun and not taking regular classes. This is the reason the new children migrants find difficulty in adjusting themselves in a modern atmosphere.
If Pakistani people make up their mind for the adjustments and challenges they are further going to face, they will easily cope up with the problems because problems are the part of life and cannot be skiped.
( Pix are used for purely academic purpose)
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