Profile : Qazi Asif
By Sabhiya Mansoor
When I was a kid I had wonderful memories of my childhood, specially the loving memories of my father, I still felt that waronth loving feeling. The way he talks to me, everything that reminds me that kindness of my father means a lot to me,
I met Qazi Asif, at the workshop Organized by department of Mass Communications with the collaboration of WMC, the time when I was introduced to Mr. Qazi Asif & he was told that I am daughter of Mansoor Alam, I feel that compassion into his eyes and that moment I felt so emotional it reminds me my father and I was wondering how he was popular and loved among his friends, Sir Qazi Asif was friends with my father during his day at university in late 1960s, it talk Mr. Asif about his life and carrier he told that he was born in khai, A small villege “Khai Meyon” near Qambar Shadad Kot, the place of many talented personalities My family was known as Aritst not only this by and my poet journalists belongs to Qamber, Jami Chandio, Atish Sindhi, Peral Qambarand there is a long list of such talented people.

Asking about the memorable achievements of his life he field so energetic to tell me that during the time of jung news in 1992 he was member of the interviewing panel where and get chance to interview many prominent International Political Personalities like V.P Sing (Former Prime Minister of India), Shaikh Hasina Wajid, Politician and former P.M Bangladesh, Man Mohan Adhakari, Former P.M of Nepal and our Beloved and famous among all Former P.M of Pakistan our Beloved Shaheed Mohtarama Bhutto, further he told me about several documentaries for P.T.V, Karachi. On Sociopolitical Topics. After working in Daily Jung, Mr. Qazi Joined Daily Dawn Newspaper in 1995.
When I asked him what messege would he like to give us (Studens & the new young generation he replayed with the Beautiful verses of Shah Abdul Latif Bhittai R.Allhie
تتئ ٿڌي ڪاهه، ڪانهي ويل هيهڻ جي،
متان اونداهه پير نه لهين پرين جو (شاه)
And he also shared the autograph given by Shamherul Hyderi to him which was written, on his dairy when he was young.
جيين شال، ڪرڪي جيارڻ جو ڳالهيون
So message in same to the youth that live long and work hard for the betterment of the society and out country.
It was great pleasure to talk to someone who was friends with my late father and I was enjoyed having conversation with him.
Profile (re-write)
by Sabhiya Mansoor.
Class: Bs Part 3
Practical work carried out under supervision of Sir Sohail Sangi, Department of Media & Communication Studies, University of Sindh
#Profile, #Asif Qazi, #SabhiyaMansoor, #SohailSangi, #Media
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